Lab 4: Traveling Salesperson
Bard College – Computer Science – Data Structures

In this lab we’ll solve the traveling salesperson problem (well, kinda). More specifically, we’ll develop linked-list implementations of a graph tour. Finding an optimal tour of a graph is a big deal.

Again this week, we will follow our textbook authors’ project pretty closely:


No need for the second constructor:
       Tour(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d) // create a 4 point tour a->b->c->d->a and calls Tour’s  length() method, this is a bug, they should instead call distance() .


insertFIFO() : before worrying about the heuristics, create a simpler version that insert points in FIFO order (i.e. standard enqueue).  You might even compare the heuristic methods with this one.

StdIn Woes with IntelliJ
IntelliJ users can manually read in the file rather than using file redirection (< tsp1000.txt ):
In in = new In ("tsp1000.txt");


Extra Credit

Implement another heuristic

Lab 4 Unit Test (Checklist)

  • Did I include the correct comment (name, date, collab statement)
  • Did I download the correct Point class?
  • Did I submit the right files (, readme.txt) in a zip file?
  • Don’t worry too much about the readme.txt given lab 5
  • Did I implement the Tour API, including both the nearest neighbor and the smallest increase heuristics?