Lab 4: Traveling Salesperson
Bard College – Computer Science – Data Structures

In this lab we’ll solve the traveling salesperson problem (well, kinda). Specifically, we’ll develop linked-list implementations of a graph tour. Finding an optimal tour of a graph is a big deal.

Again this week, we will follow our textbook authors’ project pretty closely:


  • You will need to import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.* at the top of your java files.
  • No need for the second constructor: Tour(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d) 
  • and calls Tour’s  length() method, this is a bug, they should instead call distance() .
  • We’ll save the Analysis section for later. In this lab we are focused on implementing the heuristics in; later, we’ll move onto performance comparison.


  • First compile and run Point to make sure your data files are in the right place.
  • insert(): before worrying about the heuristics, create a simpler version of Tour that simply inserts points into the tour in the order they are inputted (FIFO or LIFO).  Then complete the show and distance methods. 
  • Queue is a good place to look for inspiration for Tour;  SmallestInsertion is a good test client.

StdIn Woes with IntelliJ
IntelliJ users can manually read in the file rather than using file redirection (< tsp1000.txt ):
In in = new In ("tsp1000.txt");



Submit your file in a zipped folder named cmsc201-lab4-lastname-firstname . Be sure to include your name, date, email, lab description and collaboration statement. Please also bring a hard-copy of your to lab (in two weeks).


Implement another heuristic