Lab 3: Ring Buffers and Guitar Strings
Bard College – Computer Science – Data Structures
In this lab we’ll explore an array-based implementation of a ring (or circular) buffer. Ring buffers are used for many things like producer/consumer tasks, computing moving averages, log files, and in this lab, simulating sound waves. We will follow our textbook authors’ project pretty closely:

Be sure to read the pages 147–151 from Chapter 1 of the Intro to CS by the authors of our textbook.

Employ the testing based approach we learned last week.


  1. Your RingBuffer class should be generic (i.e., ring buffers of Doubles, but also any type).
 RingBuffer<Double> ringbuffer = new RingBuffer<Double>(3);
  1. Your RingBuffer should only throw an exception if you dequeue an empty buffer, if you try and enqueue a full buffer you should just overwrite the oldest entry.

  1. The second constructor in GuitarString is not necessary.  GuitarString(double[] init) 


  1. Implement an Iterator for your RingBuffer .
 for (double d: ringbuffer){