Lab 3: Ring Buffers and Guitar Strings
Bard College – Computer Science – Data Structures
In this lab we’ll explore an array-based implementation of a ring  buffer (or circular buffer). Ring buffers are used for many things like producer/consumer tasks, computing moving averages, log files, and in this lab, simulating sound waves. 

We will follow our textbook authors’ project pretty closely:

Be sure to read the pages 147–151 from Chapter 1 of the Intro to CS by the authors of our textbook. 

Your ring buffer implementation should use an array as its underlying instance variable. The Algorithms book’s ResizingArrayQueue is also a good resource. 

Employ the testing based approach we learned last week. Use assertions to check pre- and post-conditions and in-variants whenever you can. Create a main method in RingBuffer that acts as a simple, straight-forward client exercising all the methods.


  1. Your RingBuffer should only throw an exception if you dequeue an empty buffer, if you try and enqueue a full buffer you should just overwrite the oldest entry.
  1. The second constructor in GuitarString is not necessary:  GuitarString(double[] init) 


  • Your RingBuffer class should be generic (i.e., ring buffers of Doubles, but also any type).
  RingBuffer<Double> ringbuffer = new RingBuffer<Double>(3.0);

  • Implement an Iterator for your RingBuffer .
 for (double d: ringbuffer){