Bard College – Computer Science – Data Structures
This weeks’ lab builds upon our Fraction class from last week.
Collective Fraction Tests
First, we’ll collect everyone’s unit tests and refine our own Fraction implementations to make sure we pass all of our tests.
Infix Expression Evaluation
Next, we’ll provide a more user-friendly calculator to perform Rational arithmetic, or in other terms, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions.
Using BigInteger & Fraction was a little cumbersome, but allowed exact arithmetic.
Fraction f1 = new Fraction(407, 409);
Fraction f2 = new Fraction(409, 419);
Fraction f3 = new Fraction(419, 421);
Fraction f4 = new Fraction(421, 431);
It would be nicer to write these expressions more like traditional math:
407/409 + 409/419 + 419/421 + 421/431[input]
Adapt Dijkstra’s Two-Stack Algorithm for Expression Evaluation(Evaluate on pg. 129) to use Fraction arithmetic; the values stack should hold Fractions. You do not have to support sqrt. Make this the main method of Fraction.
NOTE: You’ll have to add algs4.jar to your project, and add
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.*
to the top of Fraction in order to use classes like Stack and StdOut from the textbook.
Update your Main and Fraction classes as well. Be sure to include your name, date, email, lab description and collaboration statement.
As we discussed in class we can evaluate postfix expressions using a single value stack and without any parentheses. Write a program PostfixEvaluator:
echo"3 4 2 * 1 6 - / +" | java PostfixEvaluator
The book’s Evaluate class assumes the expressions are fully parenthesized. Implement the shunting yard algorithm to convert arbitrary infix mathematical expressions to postfix.
Collective Fraction Tests
Infix Expression Evaluation
Fraction f1 = new Fraction(407, 409);
Fraction f2 = new Fraction(409, 419);
Fraction f3 = new Fraction(419, 421);
Fraction f4 = new Fraction(421, 431);
407/409 + 409/419 + 419/421 + 421/431 [input]
122618373044/31095439321 [output]
( 407 / 409 )
( ( 407 / 409 ) + ( 409 / 419 ) )
( ( ( 407 / 409 ) + ( 409 / 419 ) ) + ( 419 / 421 ) )
echo "3 4 2 * 1 6 - / +" | java PostfixEvaluator
echo "3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 6 )" | java PostfixConverter
3 4 2 * 1 6 - / +
echo "3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 6 )" | java PostfixConverter | java PostfixEvaluator