Lab 10: Processing on the Web
Bard College – Computer Science – Object-Oriented Programming

In this lab you will a put a processing sketch on the web using p5.js hosted by glitch & github.

  1. Write a small p5 program and host it on glitch;
  1. Find a library for p5.js that interests you;
  1. Write a small example sketch that uses that library;
  1. Host it on github using github pages;
  1. Add a file to both sites describing your program and the standard lab comment using  markdown;
  1. BONUS: Add a little bit of HTML/CSS to your pages.
  1. An HTML validator can be used to make sure your HTML is proper.

Learning Objectives

  • Write a javascript program
  • Write a p5.js sketch
  • Host a webpage on glitch
  • Host a webpage on github

Submission (due December 8th, 2021)

  • Your program should start with a comment that includes your name(s), email(s), date, assignment description & collaboration statement.
  • Submit links to your webpages on Google Classroom.