Christ Church Hospital School sculpture
See also Christchurch Greyfriars
Christ's Hospital | A City Institution for 350 years
In the oasis of Christchurch Greyfriars garden, look out for this sculpture remembering Christ's Hospital and its long City history...
Christ's Hospital | A City Institution for 350 years •
Christ’s Hospital School - sculpture - front
The children are marching out of the background, become older and fully 3D at the front. The younger kids, towards the end of the line, while in very low relief, have a modern-day diversity and liveliness lacking in the early figures at the front.
Christ’s Hospital School - sculpture - front •
The City of London's only modern sculpture of school children - London on the Ground
Andrew F Brown's bronze on Newgate Street immortalises the 470 year old 'Bluecoat school'.
Christ’s Hospital memorial sculpture
A sculpture in the Christchurch Greyfriars Church Garden commemorating Christ’s Hospital School’s 350 years presence in the City of London, 1552-1902, was unveiled on 6 November 2017 by Alderman Sir Alan Yarrow (former Lord Mayor and member of the School’s governing Council). The sculpture, by Andrew F. Brown was selected following an open competition run by The City of London Corporation. The finished bronze, cast at The Bronze Age Foundry in London, is 2.4m long and 1.5m high and is mounted on the wall of the garden.
Christ’s Hospital memorial sculpture •