LASS - Flood Monitoring(淹水感測)- 系統帶起步驟與過程
- 3G SIM 卡已買。 1.2Gbytes 易付卡,需於兩個月用完,可加值
- 水位感測器已購買 XL-MaxSonar-WR1, 已到貨
- LinkItONE GPRSUdpNtpClient Test PASS
- LinkItONE SPI/SD selection doesn't matter. SIM 卡的缺角處靠近 JTAG
Connected to wifi
Starting connection to server...
setup() done
packet received
Seconds since Jan 1 1900 = 3668332184
Unix time = 1459343384
The UTC time is 13:09:44
- 超音波感測器到貨
- iCShop 超聲波測距儀-XL-Maxsonar WR1 - MB7001
Arduino Distance Detection with MaxSonar ultrasonic rangefinder
MB7001 datasheet
MaxSonar Arduino sample code
LV‑MaxSonar‑EZ® Quick Start Guide
連最簡單的 Analog output 都量不到,檢查
- V,G 有給,焊接沒有短路
- 3.3V/5V 試過,AN 都有值,
- 5V ADC 量到最低值為 20, 距離更近量到的值都很大,5.0/1024*20*1000/9.8 =25 inch
- Current spec: Operates on 3.0V – 5.5V. The average (and peak) current draw for 3.3V operation is 2.1mA (50mA peak) and 5V operation is 3.4mA (100mA peak) respectively. Peak current is used during sonar pulse transmit
- USB 規範的電壓為5V 最大電流為500mA
- 用 Arduino 給電測試,AN 有電壓變異,但是不太跟距離有管連