Kick Off Niko

We updated this and shared it with the world on Medium. Check it out here:

Here is a "kick off" announcement you can customize and send to your team to introduce Niko and help set expectations, explain how Niko works, and get your team excited about participating. 



From: <Admin Name>
Subject: Say hello to Niko

Hi (tailored to team at org),

We are all happier and more engaged at work if our questions, suggestions, and ideas are heard and valued. When it comes to employee engagement and retention, a lot of tools are available — but after thorough research, the <people and culture, HR, steering committee> decided on one of the best tools for <organization>. 

Starting today, we all have access to Niko. 

Niko is employee engagement done right. Anyone at any level in the company - from interns to the CEO - can submit, vote on, and respond to questions and suggestions. Niko helps us listen and understand so we can all do remarkable things together. It even comes with a Slack integration, so you can submit, vote and comment without navigating away from work. 

To get started go to and sign in with your <Company Name> Google Apps account or email address.

From ‘Why don’t we have the dark chocolate covered almonds anymore?’ to ‘What is our burn rate and how long is our runway?’ If our colleagues value the question, suggestion or idea, we will address it directly and transparently. Niko will surface what is truly important to the people who make (Company) possible

Nothing anyone submits will be held against them in any way. If you are not comfortable sharing identified as yourself, you can post anonymously. 




From: <Admin Name>
Subject: Say hello to Niko

Hey team, 

As we've grown, it's become harder for us to stay current on how everyone's feeling about the company, the work, the vision, the culture, etc. I know I feel a little disconnected from everyone and I'd like to make an effort to make it better.

To help, starting today we all have access to Niko. It's a really simple tool that is always on and gives you a way to share what is on you mind. By letting you submit, vote on, and respond to questions, ideas, and suggestions, Niko helps us listen to and understand everyone better so we can all do remarkable things together. It even comes with a Slack integration, so you can submit, vote and comment without navigating away from work (or the GIFs). 

It is pretty simple to get set up. Just go to and sign in with your <Company Name> Google Apps account or email address.

Please treat each other with respect (even if we don’t agree). From ‘Why don’t we have the dark chocolate covered almonds anymore?’ to ‘What is our burn rate and how long is our runway?’ If our colleagues value the question, suggestion or idea, we will address it directly and transparently

Here are some ideas:
Are we all talk and no action on something?
Are we behind the curve on anything in particular?