Joe Brewer - Humanity’s Rapid Evolution on Future Thinkers Podcast #Notes #Reflection #MediaWeaving
morphogenetics - the developmental process for structure within organisms
ontogenetics - the body plan as a developmental process; how do you go from whatever the germinating cell is to the mature adult organism

caterpillar becoming butterfly… there are billions of years of evolutionary history that have created the moment-to-moment genetic biochemical processes that enable the organisms body to know what to do at each step of the way

the organism doesn’t consciously know… the caterpillar doesn’t know the butterfly

genome and the phenome

phenotype - expression of genetic traits for physical body as well as behavior
phenome - the range of possible expressions
genome is capable of generating all of the phenotypes
so you have some genetic material but the genetic material needs to be acted out developmentally to produce a viable organism; viable organism produces speific phenotype… meaning from all the genetic possibilities some combo of structural and behavioral things come out. At each step of the way, the developmental context determines what genetic programs are activated

the caterpillar “knows” the [connections between certain conditions and the needed reactions]
because of millions of generations of cumulative evolution of ontogenetic process
  • every step of development, evolution has shaped what is likely to occur next

here we are as humans without that evolutionary history; we’re trying to make a singular, unprecedented transition

6-11 evolutionary transitions
  • emergence of life
  • prokaryotic to eukaryotic
  • single-cell to multi-cell
  • [next evolutionary transition may → becoming planetary stewards]

evolutionary transition when selection process of evolution operating on autonomous organisms, at a level where they achieve some level of symbiotic relationship, but evolution still selected for them as individuals, and then eventually their symbiosis became functionally integrated and interdependent such that the selection now occurs at that interdependence level and is weakened at the individual level. Automous-individual cannot survive slowly, only interdependently

  • \e mitochondria is the famous example

\r Transformations Forum

Culture Design
design for changes in whole system
whole systems change requires transdisciplinary synthesis

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Field of transformational systems change

  • very good if whether a programme/initiative works and why
  • doesn’t change a system
  • process oriented or developmental evaluation, where you can study how a system is changing and evaluate its products…