🔊 Jep! sound effects brief
Jep! (https://whatis.club) is a website for sharing Jeopardy! trivia and playing collaboratively with friends in real time.

To add to the game show feeling, Jep! uses sound effects and jingles like those from the original Jeopardy! game.

Songs (2)

1. Board fill song

Contestants join the game and press “start”. The 30 clues on the board pop in randomly over 6 beats. The song is synced up to these beats with a rising tone to build anticipation.

2. “Think!” song (final jeopardy)

This 30-second song plays during Final Jeopardy while contestants write down their answers to the last clue. Most recognizable song from Jeopardy. A little faster than 60bpm, singsong-y and playful.

Sound effects (3)

3. Daily double sound effect

When a player chooses a daily double a “pew-pew, pew-pew, pew-pew” blaster sound goes off. Kind of memey!

4. Time’s up sound effect

When a player runs out of time to answer a question, a slightly discordant “duh-duh-duuuuh” sound effect plays as red lights flash on their podium.

5. Category reveal sound effect

When the final category is revealed, a puh-PING rising sound effect plays.
