Solar power for off-grid streaming
‘Shopping list’ from LS 2023

Hello again,
Here is the shopping list of equipment we used for the solar set up (its Amazon but if you want to get the stuff elsewhere at least you’ll have the references).

This is a working document based on the Cerro Pelón stream installation in State of México, which is an off-grid installation with a 3G router, Pi streambox and low power custom preamps.

It aims to capture experiences, calculations, tests, links and develop a guide that can be used in other locations and situations

Cerro Pelón stream - microphone icon on the Locus Sonus soundmap - 18 Jan 2018 23:23 in London


Rob Mackay took the equipment to Mexico in January 2018 and he and the team installed it at a site in the mountains within the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve at Cerro Pelón. 

Remote recordings made from UK have demonstrated that the stream can convey fine detail with a good ‘binaural’ stereo image that creates a strong sense of place.

The stream has received a lot of interest from the network of those interested in the Monarch butterfly and its remarkable migration between sites in Mexico and northern North America, which spans 4 generations.

It was possible for ornithologists  to identify various species of birds by listening remotely.