Huanyang Spindle Driver Rewrite Test plan
Test cases
Normal cases
Clockwise start/stop:
S8000 M3 [pause] M5
spindle should start to 8000rpm, and stop when requested
Counter-clockwise start/stop:
S8000 M4 [pause] M5
spindle should start to 8000rpm CCW, and stop when requested
Speed change:
M3 S8000 [pause] S12000 M5
spindle should start to 8000rpm, then change to 12000rpm
Door while running:
S8000 M3 [open door] [close door]
spindle should start to 8000rpm, then stop when door is opened, and stay stopped when door is closed
Restart after door/cycle-start:
S8000 M3 [open door] [close door] ~
spindle should start to 8000rpm , stop when door is opened, and resume to 8000rpm when cycle-start is issued
No restart if disabled during door/suspend:
S8000 M3 [open door] [close door] M5 ~
spindle should start to 8000rpm , stop when door is opened, and stay stopped even when cycle-start is issued
TODO: some test cases around spindle overrides
and state)
Edge cases
Start spindle, press STOP on VFD - should alarm
M3, X100, press STOP on VFD - should alarm and kill motion
Start spindle, disconnect RS485 - should alarm
will keep running)
now reconnect RS485 - spindle should stop as comms are reestablished
Turn on ESP with VFD off; should not alarm
now send M3 - should alarm since comms are not healthy
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Test cases
Normal cases
Edge cases