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How to apply to become a programming partner at Funkhaus
So you want to do work for Funkhaus? Awesome, we need all the help we can get!
At Funkhaus we work with lots of talented people, ranging from solo freelancers to full blown dev shops.
Over the years, we’ve found that we spend a lot of effort vetting these potential partners, just to find out they don’t know how to work with our stack, or are looking to do a different kind of work than what we have to do.
So in an effort to streamline the on boarding process for both sides, we’ve come up with this application process and guide.
The kind of work we do
At Funkhaus, we do things slightly differently than most agencies. We focus mostly on high design portfolio sites, largely around the Hollywood production space. That’s not to say we don’t do other work, but that's the main focus.
As far as our programming partners are concerned, this takes the shape of Nuxt frontends, powered by a headless WordPress API powered by GraphQL. We’ve built a boilerplate that we use for all sites, that takes the form of a frontend and a backend stack. We call this stack fuxt
We build all our websites in a component driven fashion, by defining all the components up front, and then building each component as a Storybook“story”, and then using GitHub PR’s to contribute to a master/main project repo. So partners only every build single components.
So, as a partner at Funkhaus, we are looking for people or companies to build these single components for us. We are not looking for people to build an entire website for us. So ultimately, we have a long list of components we need built at any one time, and you can build as many or as few as you like. We have been doing this work at Funkhaus for 10+ years. We build around 2 websites a month, each with an average of 25 components. We have plenty of work for you to do!
All partners, regardless of size or experience, are asked to complete an unpaid application process. This consists of a small programming test, to see if you are component with Nuxt and Vue to high level, and more importantly if you can follow our style guides and best practices.
The“Issues” tab contains a few sample“Component Requests”. You’ll notice the gallery-list Component Request issue is open. Read this guide to understand how we use GitHub issues: +How to build a component for Funkhaus
Once you’ve read all this, email and introduce yourself, saying you will be attempting the test. Feel free to ask any process questions you might have in this email. Anything technical related, ask it on the Component Request issue.
You can then make a PR for the gallery-list component, and someone from Funkhaus will code review it within 72 hours. We only review a prospective partner’s component once, so please read everything carefully before building a component.
If you complete this component to a high standard, then you are qualified to build components for Funkhaus in the future.
We will then add you to our partners email list, and programming-partners slack channel and you can now build components for us.
We understand this process isn’t for everyone. It seems to turn off a lot of large dev shops, who are out chasing bigger fish, and we are OK that.
From our point of view, this process reduces the risk of using someone to build a big project, and having to wait until the end to find out they weren’t capable. The damage that can be done by failing on one component is small. It also allows for talented devs to take on a few hours of work whenever they might have time, rather than committing to a large project. We are totally happy for a dev shop to take on building lots of components. Our ideal situation is to have partners build all our components, and our core team focuses on assembly of components into complete websites.
How payment works
We pay $100 an hour, upon completion of a finished components. We do not pay for incomplete components.
Each component includes a time estimate with it, that comes from the Funkhaus Project Lead. This is only a guide, but if you expect to spend more than the estimate, please let us know before so we can avoid surprises and adjust. The last thing we want is to have you spend 8 hours on a component we thought would take 3.
To that point, we are not interested in paying external partners to learn on the job. That is the advantage of being an employee at Funkhaus. Our time estimates are based on what a Funkhaus core team member would take to build a component.
For Americans:
Once you have finished a component, please send an invoice for your hours to If you are an American, we will pay you via Gusto(our payroll company), which will be a direct bank transfer. We pay within 3 business days(I actually try to do it with 24 hours).
For Foreign citizens:
As a foreign citizen, PayPal seems to work best. Please send your PayPal invoice to and CC
The kind of work we do
Partnership application process
How payment works