🏰 Hogwarts Mischief Research Plan 

☑️ To do 

  • Research kick–off
  • Create basic research plan @Lindsey R 
  • Pull together existing research/surveys on mischief at the castle @alexander r 
  • Let’s flesh out and define goals for research. 
  • Recruit and schedule study participants @Lindsey R 
  • 3 first years
  • Head of each house
  • 3 house elves
  • Build out survey questions 
  • Send survey

🥅 Research goals

(What do we want to get out of this?)

  1. Understand the impact of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s shenanigans on the student body
  1. How does it impact grades?
  1. Does it have an effect on student morale?
  1. Identify opportunities to improve the student experience
  1. What are the friction points in their experience?
  1. What gaps in their journey do we not yet address?

Outstanding questions

(What specific questions do we need answered?)

  • Who saw the troll near the bathroom?
  • As you answer questions, include the answer in-line here so you know you’re on the right track with your research.
  • Where do students think the troll came from?
  • How do students react to observing something “weird” on school grounds?
  • What do they think happened to Professor Quirrell?

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Participants

🎯 Target audience

(Who do we want to talk to?)
  • 4 first years, each from different houses
  • 1 Prefect from each house
  • 3 house elves, from different duties
  • 3-4 professors
  • Active students, enrolled in the 1991–1992 school year
  • Not: Students away on vacation, sick, or personal time for any length of time
  • Active faculty, teaching in the 1991–1992 school year
  • Not: Staff who do not teach a class or interact with the students
  • Not: Staff away on vacation, sick, or personal time for any length of time

💬 Interviews 

(List participants here, link to relevant notes and assets.)