Historical Data
Historical data availability

When you connect a social profile, Minter.io automatically pulls all available historical data for this profile. The amount of historical data available depends on the social network you connect. Below you can find detailed information about historical data typically available. 

Instagram Profile


Follower growth data (the Followers and Follower Change graphs) is available for up to 30 days, or since the Instagram profile was converted to a business or creator profile, for most profiles. There may be longer backdated data available for some larger Instagram profiles.

The Gained and Lost Followers data can only be tracked from the day you connect your profile to Minter.io. There's no historical data for this metric.

Daily changes in the demographics data (gender, age, location, language and online activity) are only available from the day you connect your Instagram profile to Minter.io. However, you can see the demographics data for all your current followers if you select the "All Time" date range using the date picker.


All posts are available except archived posts. You can access historical data for likes and comments on all your past media. You can access Reach, Impressions, Saves and Video Views data for up to two years, or for posts published since the Instagram profile was converted to a business or creator profile.

There's no historical data for Follower Change data for posts.


Unfortunately, there's no data history for Instagram Stories.


Up to two years of historical data is available for boosted posts and separately created Instagram ads (dark posts).


Optimization historical data is available except for archived posts.


All profile historical data is available for up to two years, or since your account was converted to a business account.


We provide up to one month of historical data for tags on Instagram posts.
Unfortunately, there's no data history for caption and comment mentions.


Benchmark data is based on your average metrics in the last 30 days. There's no data for historical date ranges.

Instagram Hashtag

Instagram hashtags can display up to 3000 historical top posts. We start tracking your hashtag in full from the day you add it to Minter.io, and you can access content published in the last 24 hours.