
HTTPS憑證的申請方法 與 將申請到的憑證進行啟用 

請參照此說明:  +HTTPS 申請流程 


在教育部協助下SSL 憑證申請與啟用完成後,如何使用HTTPS: (只要以下文章中的Step2與Step3都取消不做,就可讓原本https的網站變回使用http)

Step0 將申請到的憑證啟用:

Installation Instructions

1. Launch IIS Manager
Click Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. Select your server name
In the left Connections menu, select the server name (host) where you want to install the certificate.
3. Navigate to the Security section
In the center menu, click the Server Certificates icon under the Security section near the bottom.
4. Click Complete Certificate Request
In the right Actions menu, click Complete Certificate Request.
5. Browse to your Server Certificate
In the Complete Certificate Request wizard, click to browse and select Your Server Certificate file that was previously saved on your server’s desktop.
6. Name your certificate
Enter a Friendly Name which is an internal reference name to distinguish the file later. We recommend including the CAs name and expiration date.
7. Click OK
Click OK and the newly installed certificate should appear in the refreshed Server Certificate List.

 Step1 Binding Your Certificate to Your Website(在IIS 繫結HTTPS連接阜)

開啟IIS /選要使用HTTPS的網站所在的站台(e.g., Default Web Site)/ 繫結
If you can’t find the 站台, you need to expand the hierarchy on the left hand side like the following.

點選 新增   
 類型:https , 
 (其名稱大多是此教育部網站的Domain name  e.g., cfp1.moe.gov.tw)