Growth Course: Introduction

Welcome to the Bell Curve growth course!

We lead growth sessions at Y Combinator. We’ve taken clients from no revenue to millions in ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue). We’ve turned businesses around and gotten them to their next round of funding.

This course is geared towards giving you our actionable strategies and tactics to apply to your business immediately.

Course Overview

As you go through the course, you’ll be testing different growth channels for your business. Everything from running Facebook ads, to implementing a referral program, to sending out cold emails to potential customers.

It’s extremely important that you complete the first part of the course first. Otherwise, you’re going to waste many days going down the wrong path.

Here’s how it’s going to work.

Part 1: Growth Strategy & Onboarding

Before we try to get more people to your site, we have to set up the foundation. This means making sure your site converts well and being intelligent about what we try first.

Sure, you could run Facebook ads. Or you could sponsor an email newsletter. Or you could auto-follow people on Twitter. There are a lot of shiny objects.

How do you know what’s most likely to work?

We’ll pull from our experience testing 20+ channels. Running over 10,000 ads. And writing punchy copy like this. 

You’ll combine that knowledge with the specifics of your business to end up with a prioritized to-do list of what to start with.

If you’re in our premium plan, we end this section with a live call with a Bell Curve team member. We’ll vet your initial growth strategy, develop it more, clarify assumptions, and dive into more details than you would go into on your own.

Then, we make sure your onboarding experience is ironclad. This means you fix up your website so that people actually purchase once they get to it. 

Otherwise, you’re going to waste money on people who show up and immediately leave. 

Part 2: Ad Copy and Creation

We’ll walk you through how to write copy (the text in ads), and make creatives (the actual ad image and video you see) — using the practices that we know to work best across different channels.

Part 3: Acquisition Channels and Conversion

We’ll give you a menu of the major channels that are most likely to work for your business. You’ll choose which to work on first based on your own own priorities.

Each channel has its own module, which covers:
  • Readings
  • Checklists
  • Templates
  • Example documents based on real client work
  • Short exercises
  • A final project

We’ll then use the ads you made in part 2 to upload them to places like Facebook and Instagram.

How to take this course

The project is the most important part of each module. It walks you through how we would run this channel for our own clients. Step-by-step. In full. Nothing is left out, and it’s these small details that make the difference.

Often, course projects are a waste of time. Not ours.

You must go through the first two weeks in order. If you blow through the readings and projects without taking them seriously, you will suffer great pain and money-losings.