A new school year is approaching and the orientation team is looking to you for some design expertise. Design an experience for new students to browse, search, and propose new student organizations. Provide your overall process, a wireframe flow, and one to two screens at higher fidelity.
PS - Browsing means looking for the website or web pages. Searching means finding any particular thing. In browsing you enter the address of particular website or web page in the address bar but in searching you enter the keyword in the google search window
Interview Objective
“I want to know why students join organizations at Cornell”
“I want to know when students join organizations at Cornell”
“I want to know how students join organizations at Cornell”
“I want to know key paint points in browsing and searching student organizations at Cornell”
“I want to know what are important criteria when students decide to join organizations at Cornell”
Interview Protocol
“Hi _____, thank you for taking your time to participate in this user interview. My name is Aaron No, and I’ll be conducting the interview today.
In the scope of our project, I would like to find out key pain points in student organizations joining experience - browsing, searching, and proposing at Cornell. If you feel uncomfortable answering any of the questions, just let me know and we can skip them. Keep in mind that there are no wrong answers and I value your honest opinions. The expected length of interview is under 30 minutes.
If you don’t mind, I would like to voice record the interview; It will only be used internally, for the purposes of this research. Do you have any questions before we start?”
Interview Questions
Can you tell me your age, name, and major?
Main Questions
Are you currently involved in any student organizations at Cornell?
If Yes → Why did you want to join student organizations?
If Yes → How did you find out about the organizations you are in? How do you get information about student organization at Cornell?
If Yes → How was your experience joining student organizations?
If Yes → What are key factors helped you decide to join organizations you are in? Among these criteria you mentioned, what are your top priorities?
If No → Why are you not involved in any of them?
If No → Are you planning to join any of them in near future?
If No → What kind of student organizations do you wish to join?
If No → What prevents you from joining student organizations?
If No → What would help your student organization joining experience?
What frustrates you most when searching for student organizations? How you handle it?
What frustrates you most when joining student organizations? How you handle it?
What do you like about the current student organization joining process at Cornell?
What do you dislike about the current student organization joining process at Cornell?
What are things that would greatly helped your student organization-joining experience?
Are you aware of the total number of student organizations at Cornell?
If Yes → How do you know that?
If No → Why do you not know? Are you willing to know?
Are you interested in starting a new student organization at Cornell?
If Yes → How are you planning to start an organization?
If No → Why are you not interested in starting?
Before we conclude, do you have any comments, questions?
Thank you for participating. I truly value your opinions!
Design Exercise Prompt
Interview Objective
Interview Protocol
Interview Questions