Gen3 Middleware Command-Line Tools
THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS.  Not all commands are present, some present may need to be merged or redefined, and none of them have the full suite of options they’ll need.

We envision a command-line tooling environment centered around a very small number of top-level commands (just two are planned so far: butler and pipetask), with extensible subcommands.
Subcommands would share code and interfaces for common arguments, such as those that specify data repository locations or collections.
The extension mechanism is not specified by this document, but it must allow us to add a subcommand in a package downstream of the one that defines the parent tool - while the butler tool and some of its subcommands may be defined in daf_butler, for example, its ingest subcommand should be defined in obs_base.

Common Arguments

  • Path to an existing data repository root or configuration file. Implies <REPOCFG>.
  • Instead of bulk-inserting dimension values, use Database.sync to compare them to existing ones and inset only those that are missing.  This may go slower for bulk operations and will result in incremental commits rather than a single atomic change to the data repository.
  • Synonym for running butler create before invoking this command.
--register instrument
  • Synonym for running butler register-instrument before invoking this command.
  • Shorthand for the (unspecified) optional arguments that provide overrides to butler configuration.
  • Shorthand for the -c/--config and -C/--configfile arguments that provide overrides for lsst.pex.config objects.
  • Shorthand for the (unspecified) optional arguments that specify a dimension query expression.
  • Shorthand for the (unspecified) optional arguments that specify a CollectionSearch or CollectionQuery.
  • Shorthand for the arguments used to query for dataset types, i.e.
  • [--regex PATTERN] [DST...]

Dataset and collection management: butler subcommands


butler query-collections [COL...] [--regex PATTERN] [--with-dataset DST] [--yaml] REPO
Query for the collections that match the given criteria.


butler query-dataset-types [--in-collection COL] [--with-storage-class SC] [--with-dimension DIM] [--names] [--yaml] REPO <DSTQRY>
Query for the dataset types that match the given critera.


butler query-datasets [--yaml] REPO <DSTQRY> <DIMXPR> <INCOLXPR>
Query for the datasets that match the given criteria.


butler query-dimensions <DIMXPR> [--with-dataset DST <INCOLXPR>] [--yaml] [--records] REPO [DIM...]
Query for the data IDs and/or dimension records that match the given criteria.


butler associate [--calib BEGIN..END] [--from-file FILE] REPO COLLECTION <DSTQRY> <DIMXPR> <INCOLXPR>
Associate datasets with a TAGGED or CALIBRATION collection.  This includes certifying master calibration datasets.


butler disassociate [--from-file FILE] REPO COLLECTION <DSTQRY> <DIMXPR>
Disassociate datasets from a TAGGED or CALIBRATION collection.


Define or update a CHAINED collection.


butler export REPO ???