  • What is Gatsby
  • Prepare a list of links
  • put gatsby-cli installation script
  • yarn or npm
  • create a slide for each command I run and check for progress
  • Prepare a preworkshop material



A hands-on workshop on Gatsby led by thoughts of “how to create static site for my need” with Gatsby, React, and GraphQL.

Topics by segment
  1. Introduction
  1. (5 mins) Preface
  1. (15 mins) What is gatsby +Starters and Plugins 
  1. (15 ~ 20 mins) +Up and Running
  1. (20 mins) +Layouts (overview)
  1. (just in case people don’t know React, add a short intro props => <div>{props.a}</div>
  1. Adding a header to site layout
  1. Adding an Intro component to layout
  1. (30 mins) +Building Features with GraphQL 
  1. (10 mins break)
  1. (30 mins) Styling
  1. (20 mins) +Typography, introduce Gatsby Themes (experimental)?
  1. Demo the site
  1. Plugins
  1. oembed
  1. Google Analytics
  1. (10 mins) +Community 

Optional topics
  • dark themes


  • Basics web development skills: HTML and CSS
  • Knowledge of React


Wei Gao
React web developer, loves to build stuff on the web. Struggling with but advocating public speaking as a learning process through running React Knowledgeable. Wei has created a handful of static sites using Gatsby, Jekyll / GitHub pages, and plain JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. She will share with you her learning process as much as hoping to learn from you.


  • send out survey
  • slides
  • code examples