Check out the collections. Explore the millions of items of digital content listed which includes; audio, moving images and 3D models. Alternatively, browse some of the featured examples curated on the Showcase page. The further reading page provides regularly updated background information, alongside articles and links to research. 

With just a few clicks one can explore millions of books, images and media content, suitable for teaching and learning.  A good overview showing the range and scope of content available from the major internet portals can be found here.

If you are looking for some inspiration or ideas or suggestions on using open content, this is also covered in the toolkit.  Also, most importantly Copyright information is provided on a regularly updated page.  

You can export and page as a PDF file by clicking on the 3 ellipsis in the menu bar and choosing it form the options.

Finally there is also a collaborative space where you can comment and offer feedback and ideas for improving the toolkit.

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