Creative Tech Workshop January 2021


Acoustic Commons invites participants to join a one-week workshop, taking place online and across project spaces in Aix (Locus Sonus), Ljubljana (CONA), Barrow (Full of Noises), London (Soundcamp), with other locations to join.

The workshop focuses on skills exchanges and digital capacity for live environmental streaming in Year 2 of Acoustic Commons, with a focus on ‘off-grid’ working.

Participants can connect to a project space in person (where possible within local restrictions) or remotely via networked online sessions at the start/end of each day. Participants will be invited to share their streams, projects and outcomes at the end of the week as part of an online event at

Areas covered will include:
  • Off-Grid audio streaming
  • Using the Locuscast mobile app
  • Hardware review - Rasberry Pi hats, audio interfaces etc
  • Making microphones
  • Listening groups

Places for some of the workshop sessions may be limited - please register your interest using the short online form at:
and we will contact you with further details.

Acoustic Commons is a collaboration between four arts organisations and a range of associate partners, each with close links to a specific site of cultural and/or natural heritage value. The project draws upon and develops those links, through a range of creative and technical approaches and innovative ways to engage with audiences and places. 

Read more about the project at: 


We will be using this discord platform


Monday 25th - Friday 29th January 2021
10:00 - 17:00 CET


Parts List for Focusrite (or equivalent) high quality streambox (long term applications) - SC

Off-grid Parts List with Prices — power module for remote sites - SC

Assembly - Focusrite model - SC