From Inequality to Solidarity: Co-creating A New Economics for the 21st Century
00:26:28 MJ Page-Lieberman: I thought Larry already introduced himself and was an ally.
00:26:37 cpmulder: We understand you’re upset, just take a breather. I’m cmulder Cathy Mulder
00:46:05 MJ Page-Lieberman: Liking this presentation very much so far. On the same page with Julie.
00:57:20 dale: What about unions?
00:58:44 Hope Schneider: my name is alim. .
00:59:05 Lauren: we can also keep stack if that’s helpful, Julie
00:59:17 dale: What about unions??
01:00:37 MJ Page-Lieberman: Lower your volume.
01:00:44 cpmulder: Unions: they may somewhat democratic, but they accept capitalism for the most part and Trumpka’s recent statement about police unions is egregious
01:00:59 MJ Page-Lieberman: lol. #NotAllUnions
01:01:13 Lauren: US Federation of Worker Cooperatives has an entire program about cooperatives and unions—so that’s a thing to check out @ Dale!
01:01:33 cpmulder: I wrote a book about unions and cooperatives.
01:02:09 MJ Page-Lieberman: Unions of *today* are coming along to co-ops. Good, but...
01:03:03 MJ Page-Lieberman: Mute, cpmulder please!
01:03:41 David Barkin-Mexico: GLAD to hear you -- I particularly noted your equating "buen vivir" with the solidarity economy -- it seems to me that it is MUCH more thorough going than most of what is considered in the USA --- our work on "communitarian revolutionary" groups in Latin America suggests a model for moving to what they call "post-capitalist" societies
01:04:17 Jeuji Diamondstone: Unions especially in the South were not friendly to Blacks. Unions have supported extractive industry because they provide jobs. Unions have tremendous potential but they have a lot of work to do to play the critical role they should in building SE
01:04:45 Mark Silverman: We can here you Julie!
01:04:50 Mark Silverman: hear*
01:04:53 MJ Page-Lieberman: 👏👏👏 to Jeuji.
01:05:04 Lauren: stack
01:05:10 piamoriarty: Where does intergenerational work fit into your new paradigm? I’m thinking of youth leadership that is emerging through social media in the US.
01:05:46 cpmulder: I like what Jeuji said, and it’s happening.
01:06:07 ms.klee: Jeuji raises imp issues. What about corruption of union leaders?
01:06:07 Alison Malisa: @piamoriarty- great question! An important one to me too.
01:07:41 Alison Malisa: We can say “they’ve won” and we can also say, “we’ve missed the opportunity for transformation”
01:08:43 Amy Matthaei: Great point and really appreciate how you framed the issues and the need to look at all the great stuff at bottom of iceberg. Thank you!!
01:08:53 Alison Malisa: I love seeing the herbs being processed, Hendrix!
01:09:14 Alison Malisa: What is that? I can’t tell?
01:09:18 ms.klee: I like the iceberg graphic, thank you, very affirming.
01:09:23 Eric Nelson: Hi tesfai! Your mic has feedback, could you mute while not speaking?
01:09:56 Eric Nelson: They got it
01:09:58 Eric Nelson: Thanks!
01:10:00 MJ Page-Lieberman: Good.
01:10:00 cpmulder: There is some corruption of union leaders, but they are the minority, most are good people. Every group has a handful of bad apples.
01:10:15 Church Lewis: Good to hear you say there is a place for market mechanisms. How does that work without capitalistic systems?
01:10:16 Lauren: the host has to unmute me!
01:10:22 Lauren: I don’t have the power :(
01:10:46 Amy Matthaei: Gloria Steinem said in her current play that the older people have seen progress and are hopeful, the younger people see that its not enough, and we need each other, young and old. we need both perspectives.
01:12:10 MJ Page-Lieberman: lol. A few years ago, Gloria Steinem was saying that the younger women were more conservative and just looking to meet boys.
01:12:40 Lucas: lauren, amazing questions!
01:12:52 Alison Malisa: THE essential question, Lauren.
01:13:22 Alison Malisa: How to truly be in solidarity. I think we can.
01:14:18 katie coates: “we” over “ me”
01:16:19 Lauren: thank you!
01:17:09 katie coates: thanks to All. I am asking is it a resource distribution issue?
01:18:44 piamoriarty: Check out the incredibly positive Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles as a model trying to implement this new paradigm by previously incarcerated people. They now have a global network that will be meeting online in August.
01:18:54 katie coates: ie come together and redistribute, co- create new, rooted in compassion community. what we are doing but in more and bigger and free no strings attached ways.
01:19:37 Alison Malisa: Great question, Hendrix. @Katie Coates- yes! We can co-create, and yes! Designing for no strings attached- love it.