Frequently Asked Questions - MAT Program

What is the Measure M Metro Active Transportation Program?

The MAT Program awards funding to active transport projects throughout Los Angeles County. Projects are expected to improve and grow the active transportation network and expand the reach of transit, while increasing travel options as described in Metro's Active Transportation Strategic Plan .

Who is eligible to receive funding from this program? 

Cities, County of Los Angeles, Caltrans, and transit agencies are eligible to receive funding through this program. Other transportation-related public joint powers authorities (JPAs) must be sponsored by one of the aforementioned public agencies. For Cycle 1, Metro will fund projects identified on the following prioritized lists: 

What types of projects are eligible in the FLM Priority Network and AT Corridors category? 

Active transportation projects. As defined in the Measure M Ordinance, Active Transportation consists of “non-motorized transportation via walking, bicycling, or rolling modes.” Eligible projects are comprised of capital expenditures that achieve these program goals. 

Any project funded through the MAT program will deliver core active transportation infrastructure, such as: sidewalks, crosswalks, bicycle lanes/paths, pedestrian/bike signal improvements, lighting, and transit amenities. Projects that provide active transportation infrastructure, but for which the primary purpose is an unrelated benefit (e.g. utility relocation) are considered ineligible. Other eligible project components may include: shade structures, landscaping, signage, and other improvements that support the aid and comfort of active transportation users. Each program cycle may establish further requirements or limitations regarding permissible project component expenditures. 

For more detail on eligible project expenditures and limitations, please review the Cycle 1 Solicitation.

Which project phases are eligible? 

Projects selected through the MAT program may be funded for work preceding the environmental phase, but such expenditures are limited to .5% of overall program funding within each cycle. Projects receiving funding from the MAT program need not be funded by the MAT program for all phases (e.g. may use MAT funds for design/environmental phases and seek other funds for construction). Project readiness provisions established in adopted Measure M Guidelines apply (pages 14, 26, and 28).

Is there a local match requirement? 

Metro does not require a funding match for Cycle 1. Project support will be required from all jurisdictions for any project in the form of an in-kind match of staff time. For FLM projects, Metro encourages the leveraging of additional funds for a project by considering leveraging in the evaluation criteria.

How do we apply for funding? 

Jurisdictions identified in the Cycle 1 prioritized FLM and active transportation corridors lists were contacted and invited to apply for funding via a Letter of Interest. The Cycle 1 Solicitation was released on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 and the deadline to apply was Thursday, April 30, 2020.

Are jurisdictions limited to a specific number of awarded projects? 

No, Metro intends to fund a variety of jurisdictions and geographies, but will not impose a specific cap on the number of awards.

Is prior planning required at the time of letter of interest submittal? 

Prior planning is not required at the time of letter of interest submittal. However, all proposed projects will be evaluated for their demonstrated readiness to begin the work and ability to complete the project. Metro requests applicants describe the stakeholders, potential partners, and impediments to project delivery. Impediments could include failure to provide evidence of necessary inter- and/or intra-agency coordination, issues with community support, anticipated issues with securing approvals for work relating to the right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation, or any pending or threatened litigation.

Can MAT Program funding be used for right-of-way acquisition? 

Yes, however projects shall not use more than 10% of the MAT-funded project construction costs for right-of-way acquisition.

Is there a grant funding cap per project? 

For First/Last Mile, the maximum award for any single project is $5,000,000. However, there are also three project size categories: 

  • Small: $500,000 - $1,000,000 
  • Medium: $1,000,001 - $3,000,000 
  • Large: $3,000,001- $5,000,00