FreeAllegiance build instructions

Assumed environment

  • Windows 10 Pro (x64)
  • No preinstalled Allegiance (any version)

Setting up DirectX 9

  1. Download DXSDK_Jun10.exe
  1. Install with the default configuration
  1. Confirm that the installer has created an environment variable DXSDK_DIR to the path of the installation (e.g. open a shell and run echo %DXSDK_DIR%)

Visual Studio Community 2017

  1. Download the Community version installer from (free)
  1. Choose the following workloads:
  • Desktop development with C++
  • Game development with C++
  • Windows XP support for C++

Steamworks SDK

You cannot test the client with the Steam integration active, see the section “SteamAPI_Init” on the Steamworks API Overview:
  • Ensure that you own a license for the App ID on the currently active Steam account. Your game must show up in your Steam library.
So make sure you’re running a version of the code that has the Steam bits disabled.


There’s a number of valid ways do handle this, here’s mine:
  1. Clone the Artwork repository to a local folder, here now called [ARTWORK_PATH].
  1. Take the registry dump below, insert your own [ARTWORK_PATH] and [BUILD_PATH]. Example paths:
  • ARTWORK_PATH might be c:\\dev\\allegiance\\artwork
  • BUILD_PATH might be c:\\dev\\allegiance\\src\\objs14\\FZRetail
  1. Run the file. Optionally, confirm with regedit that the key was created in the registry.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Allegiance\1.4]
"EXE Path"="[BUILD_PATH]\\Wintrek"
"Production EXE Path"="[BUILD_PATH]\\Wintrek"