🛠️ eSaude App Administration Guide


This document will describe how to administer the eSaude apps installed on your server. It is very important that you first work through the ​+eSaude Docker Primer​ to get yourself familiar with Docker.

First make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed.

To install an app, all you need is the eSaude app config file (which is actually just a Docker Compose file). Installing the eSaude EMR Platform is as simple as:

wget https://get.esaude.org/app/esaude-app-platform.yml
docker-compose -p esaude -f esaude-app-platform.yml up -d

Managing Services

We manage all eSaude apps with Docker.  To list all your running services, run:

docker ps

To also see stopped services, run:

docker ps -a

To start a stopped esaude-platform-tomcat service, run:

docker start esaude-platform-tomcat

To stop esaude-platform-tomcat service, run:

docker stop esaude-platform-tomcat

To restart esaude-platform-tomcat  service, run:

docker restart esaude-platform-tomcat


To view the logs run the command:

docker logs esaude-platform-tomcat

To view and follow the logs output run the command:

docker logs -f esaude-platform-tomcat

To view the number of lines from the end of the logs  run:

docker logs --tail=10 esaude-platform-tomcat


docker exec esaude-platform-mysql backup

This will create a backup in the esaude_data Docker data volume. To copy the backup to the current directory, follow the instructions shown. The command will be something like:

  docker cp esaude-platform-mysql:/opt/esaude/data/backups/esaude-platform-backup-01-09-16_08h48m43s.sql.zip .