🏰 Finished Hogwarts Mischief Research Plan 

🔮 Findings

Take the core themes you’ve discovered and summarize them, along with some analysis and any key quotations you feel are relevant to include.


  • User 
  • insights
  • go
  • here

Key patterns

  • Some
  • key
  • patterns
  • that
  • are
  • relevant

Direct opps for improvements

  • Put a process in place for students to report strange anomalies on student grounds which get reviewed by Albus Dumbledore 
  • Better transparency with the students with a weekly newsletter
  • Other quick wins
  • Kick off research into how to prevent these weird things from happening

🥅 Research goals

(What do we want to get out of this?)

  1. Understand the impact of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s shenanigans on the student body
  1. How does it impact grades?
  1. Does it have an effect on student morale?
  1. Identify opportunities to improve the student experience
  1. What are the friction points in their experience?
  1. What gaps in their journey do we not yet address?

Outstanding questions

(What specific questions do we need answered?)

  • Who saw the troll near the bathroom?
  • As you answer questions, include the answer in-line here so you know you’re on the right track with your research.
  • Where do students think the troll came from?
  • Dungeons 
  • How do students react to observing something “weird” on school grounds?
  • First years were shocked and scared, but felt it was acceptable due to it being their first year
  • What do they think happened to Professor Quirrell?

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Participants

🎯 Target audience

(Who do we want to talk to?)