Exercise 1: Mars bar (Andy Kirk)
  • In which tv-series are the Mars bars explicitly shown?
  • Or mentioned?
  • How many Mars wrappers would be needed to cover something like.. the Earth vs other planets?
  • Chart of the nutritional values in a Mars bar
  • How many Mars bars are sold over the years (popular seasons to be shown maybe?)
  • How many bars has Mars sold in total/per country/x?
  • How many times/when is a Mars bar mentioned in rap lyrics? (wRAPPERS)
  • How many Mars wrappers are needed to cover Mars?
  • How many Mars have been eaten on Mars?
  • How many Mars bars are sold, compared to other candy brands?
  • How many mars bars are catered at weddings yearly? 
  • Which are the most rare Mars bars?
  • How rich is the CEO of Mars, in Mars bars? (Each mars = x amount of money)
  • What are the prices per Mars bar per country ? (beetje zoals de Big Mac index)
  • What is the biggest Mars bar known to record? (Guiness World Record book?)
  • How meltable is a Mars bar?
  • How quick can we eat a Mars bar (bar chart, for each team member 1 chart?) → or: splitten in hoelang je erover doet om die wrapper eraf te halen, en het eten zelf → Gantt Chart
  • How many Mars bars a day to reach the calorific goal of a day. + nutrition 
  • How quick can we eat enough calories by only eating Mars? (Based on previous 2 questions)