Eddy Robinson | All Presentations
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Keynote Presentations:

Diversity & Inclusiveness

Eddy looks at the methodology of being inclusive of ethno-communities and diversity within the educational systems through Indigenous best practices. Multi-culturalism – although well intended – has been a vehicle that has stifled and silenced many voices. The inclusiveness of the global diaspora and nationhood is crucial to the growth of a nation.

Truth and Reconciliation in Education: Moving Forward Together 

Global citizens have been left out of the conversation of the Indigenous narrative. Truth and Reconciliation is a vehicle that can bring us together. This conversation is important for educators who are on the front line in cultivating the relationship between the next generation of Indigenous & non-Indigenous peoples. Core to this is inclusion and asking the question: How can we strengthen the educational framework for Indigenous learners? As a survivor of the education system, Eddy provides personal accounts of his Indigenous experience growing up in city schools. With a Master’s in Education, he is keenly aware of how the educational system works. Eddy empowers educators, leaders and administrators to be introspective within their educational practice in order to identify how colonialism is perpetuated. Audiences will be equipped to create space for the Indigenous conversation physically, mentally, emotionally and digitally.

Key Takeaways: 
• How to incorporate Indigenous insights into strategy and change. 
• The ‘5-L’ framework for creating space for Indigenous conversation. 
• A structure for educators to approach Indigenous knowledge.

Urban Indigenous Ways of Knowing 

Eddy approaches the topic of Indigenous Ways of Knowing through an urban lens grounded in the Indigenous methodology of locating one self. He also looks at how we can engage Indigenous ways of knowing through modern technology. When Anishinaabe (Ojibway) people locate themselves in the Anishinaabe language they are essentially locating their spirit to the universe and creation. When in the city and we locate ourselves as Indigenous people with Indigenous methodologies we are re-Indigenizing urban spaces. Eddy creates access points for the audience to engage in the conversation.

Rewriting Your Story

In this presentation, Eddy shares his personal narrative. He discusses the struggles he faced with his First Nations (Indigenous) identity and the allies who created safe spaces for him throughout his life. Growing up facing struggles of poverty and marginalization, Eddy ended up being on the front line at shelters within the city before making the decision to rewrite his story. He overcame a learning barrier, took on a self-education through books, before eventually obtaining his masters in education and finding himself on the frontline of the academic realm.

Indigenous In the City: The Urban Indigenous Experience

In this talk Eddy draws attention to the impact of colonization (loss of status, enfranchisement etc…) resulting in many Indigenous people migrating to the urban centres. Due to the overwhelming numbers faced with poverty and discrimination, this started an evolution of urban Indigenous organizations to meet the needs. Eddy not only shares his personal experience having to rely on these centres but his professional experience working locally, provincial and nationally with the fastest growing demographic in Canada; Indigenous (Aboriginal) People. 

Platform Plus

Workshop | Indigenous Cultural Awareness

This workshop will discuss Indigenous methodologies and how it translates to life today for students, professionals and individuals. This workshop will allow participants to safely ask the question of how we can as a society engage Indigenous Ways of Knowing (culture) within professional and educational environments? There will also be ample opportunity to discuss the current Indigenous presence within society and the distinct differences between; identity (First Nations, Métis and Inuit), culture, language, location and populations.

To book a customized presentation with Eddy Robinson email your event details to: speakers@nsb.com (within Canada) or speakers@globalspeakers.com (USA & International)