Round Three Room 32 for World Cafe on Jan 6th, 2015 
Part of DandDTrans: a community of inquiry and action regarding the role that D&D can play in addressing the mega-crises of our time
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Who is here? 
  •  Jim
  •  Laura Chasin
  •  Nancy G
Round Three Question: 
  • Sensing into everything you've said and heard, what's taking shape here?  
Collaborative Notes
Problems are addressible by a paradigm that may not fit the D&D paradigm.   How do we actually solve these problems and understand that it is a systems problem.  Its not about consciousness raising, but about whole system change.  
Robert's question:  asking Jim why he sees the D&D as having limited usefulness for the challenges ahead.
JIM ROUGH - Decision means to cut away. Deliberation is about weighing and dialogue is to not take a stand. Judgement and creativity don't go together.  Win- win is not decision making - 
Tools of thinking requires choice creating - and we figure out together where we want to go - Creative and collaboration - 
Laura: wants to see a way to create accountability relative to Congressional reps in washington.   How we Jim address this.
JIM another access to power that is forgotten - all ciitzens in the local community could all come together around the problem - then the elected official will respond - 
jim's view is that we need - to move - FROM DECISION-MAKING TO CHOICE-CREATING as our primary thinking process.