CPDP document types and entity relational model

An event happened at a time. Normally an event will simply have one complaint (one distinct CRID) linked to it (and no Event ID). Sometimes an event may have one or more use of force reports (Tactical Response Reports) linked to it based on the “Event ID” that comes in the TRR data.

A complaint has a distinct CRID. A complaint may contain multiple allegations against multiple officers (usually just one allegation per accused officer, but sometimes more than one per officer). The complainant may be a civilian or a police officer. A complaint has a complaint date. Each allegation may have a category code, category description, etc see +CPDP Schema Documentation 

A use-of-force/tactical response report (TRR) has a distinct TRRID and at least one officer linked to it. Multiple TRRs may share a common Event ID.

A complaint may have accused officers, witness officers, assigned investigators from CPD’s BIA (Bureau of Investiagive Affairs) or COPA (Civilian Office of Police Accountablity).

Types of documents

  • CR complaint register
  • summary digest
  • full form
  • TRR tactical response report (sometimes mislabeled as a “CR Tactical Response Report”)
  • OCIR original case incident report (sometimes mislabeled as “CR Original Case Incident”)
  • AR arrest report (not for public)
  • OBR Officer Battery Report
  • CPB Trial Transcript

sources of documents: 
  • FOIA requests (requested manually, then received, then uploaded to DocumentCloud and then picked up automatically by our DocumentCloud crawler)
  • COPA Data Portal PDF document crawler+archiver, 
  • COPA Data Portal AV media crawler, 
  • COPA Published Summary Report crawler+archiver, 
  • Chicago Police Board (CPB) documents crawler+archiver (from cpbinfocenter.org)

see https://cpdp.co/documents/ or the COPA data portal for examples