Doberman’s Checklist for travel planning
Use this checklist when planning a trip or a project that would require traveling.
Make sure to check the boxes to help your project and company to lower your carbon footprint.

  • I can see a potential in this client/project to make a real impact on lowering the CO2 emissions, or to contribute to one or more of the other UN Global goals

  • I have really challenged if I believe that this sales meeting/gig has the potential of giving us a bigger project that makes it worth doing the trip

  • I have thought about if meetings/workshops can be held digitally instead

  • I have tried my best to reduce the number of trips by being creative with the process plan (e.g bundled our activities etc)

  • I have tried to maximize the output of this trip such as combining it with other activities that can benefit our company and/or our projects (e.g. other meetings, study visits etc)

  • I’m planning for us to send a smaller team (one or two persons) instead of the entire team when we can

  • I have tried to coordinate with the client/partner to meet halfway (when possible), e.g. meeting up in Copenhagen instead of south Europe  to which both parties can travel sustainably

  • I have looked into sustainable traveling options (train, car etc) for the required trip(s).

Transport emissions

Global Goals