Dietary pattern/Diet quality

Robinson J Nutr Health Aging 2017

  1. PCA was performed to identify dietary patterns
  1. Prudent dietary pattern was kept as representative of recommendations
  1. Multiplication of coefficient with food item to calculate diet quality score

This pattern was labelled ‘prudent’ as it conforms to healthy eating recommendations. A prudent pattern score was calculated for every participant as follows: (i) fat spreads and milks were categorized as full- fat or reduced fat versions (reduced fat spreads <69g fat/100g, milks <3.5g fat/100g), (ii) weekly frequencies of consumption were calculated as: never=0, <1/month=0.2, 1-3/month=0.5, 1/ week=1, 2-4/week=3, 5-6/week=5.5, 1/day=7, 2-3/day=17.5, by subtracting the means and dividing by the SDs for the HCS population, (iv) the coefficient for each food (Table 2) was multiplied by the standardized food variable, (v) these values were summed - resulting in one score for each subject.

Parrott J Nutr 2013

PCA was performed to identify dietary patterns
Dietary patterns were identified by principal components analysis of FFQ exposures using PROC FACTOR and were orthogonally rotated using the ‘‘varimax’’ option. The number of factors retained for subsequent analyses was determined by considering eigenvalues (>1), the scree plot, and interpretability of the resulting patterns. FFQ exposures with factor loadings >0.155, representing the critical value for a correlation based on the sample size (n = 1099), were considered as substantial contributors. Dietary pattern scores indicating adherence of a participant to each retained dietary pattern were obtained for subsequent use in multi-adjusted models.

Healthy Eating Index 2015

“For all the components, intakes at the level of the standard or better are assigned the maximum number of total points allotted. Scoring the adequacy of food-group components is straightforward because there is a logical score of zero for no intake and the scores increase as intakes increase up to the standard. Scores for amounts between zero and the standard are prorated linearly; that is, the reported amount per 1,000 calories is divided by the standard and multiplied by the total possible number of points (5 or 10).”

Possible SDQ harmony with HEI


Total fruits
NUT_FRUT_COM How often do you usually eat fruit (fresh, frozen, canned)?

NUT_CAJC_COM How often do you usually drink Calcium-fortified juices?

NUT_PURE_COM How often do you usually drink 100% pure fruit juices (orange, grapefruit or tomato,...)?

Whole fruits
NUT_FRUT_COM How often do you usually eat fruit (fresh, frozen, canned)?

Total vegetables
NUT_GREEN_COM How often do you usually eat green salad (lettuce, with or without other ingredients)?

NUT_PTTO_COM How often do you usually eat potatoes (boiled, mashed or baked)?

NUT_CRRT_COM How often do you usually eat carrots (fresh, frozen, canned, eaten on their own or with other food, cooked or raw)?

NUT_VGOT_COM How often do you usually eat other vegetables (except carrots, potatoes or salad)?

Greens and beans
NUT_GREEN_COM How often do you usually eat green salad (lettuce, with or without other ingredients)?

NUT_LEGM_COM How often do you usually eat legumes: beans, peas, lentils?