Design Journal—Kacie Guthrie

Project Info and Assets—

Student Name:
Kacie Guthrie
Project Name:
Moodscape Health Journal: a mood tracker 
Link to Project Folder:

Checkpoint 1: Kickoff and Requirements

—Checkpoint URL—

Link to Checkpoint Submission:

—Submission Rationale—

Explain how your submission satisfies the objectives of the assignment?

I chose this project for several reasons:
  1. I’m interested in design in healthcare and this project allows me to work on an aspect of mental and physical health that isn’t exclusively tied to clinical practice.
  1. I wanted to gain experience with designing a mobile app and data visualization. 
  1. This project is focusing on a population with needs and issues different from my own; I probably wouldn’t use this product. I wanted to work on a project where it would be harder “cheat” by just making something the way that I would want it to be. That said, I will still be bringing some personal bias to my design decisions.

The key requirements are still somewhat flexible because I will need to do more research to find out what is most important to my users. 
Add any supplemental files, images or information needed to support your justification below.

Learning Insights—

What questions arose as you worked on this checkpoint?

How can I incorporate some of the technical skills I want to work on (mobile app and data vis) into a project that would actually benefit from those elements? How am I limiting my design solutions to a project by setting those parameters? 
How can I work on a project related to healthcare that doesn’t require working with a very specific test group considering my limited resources for recruiting participants?
What will be fun and interesting to work on for the next three or so months?

What were the most challenging parts of the task? How did you solve them?

Initially I didn’t have any ideas at all. I just started looking around me at problems that other people were having and started asking questions about some of their frustrations. My roommate has a lot of physical health related problems that sometimes affect her mental health and we spend a lot of time speculating about whether or not we think an issue in her life is related to her mental health, physical health, personal relationships, or outside circumstances. It’s very murky territory.

If you had more time, how would you improve this submission?

I would have made an actual calendar with goals for completing each stage of the process so I could at least try to keep myself on some sort of schedule. 

How will you apply what you’ve learned to future projects?

In the future I will make a process calendar. 

Further Reflections (optional)