🌐Design History and Practice Week 5 Notes

👀 A Visit from Jenny Swadosh, The New School Archives!

👥 Critique, Website Sketches

Please link your project’s Figma link below where it says “url” underneath your name.  
You’ll notice that each person has been assigned a first responder (1R) second responder (2R), and notetaker (N). The first responder (1R) will kick off our discussion as soon as the presenter has finished sharing their work. The notetaker will listen carefully and document the highlights of the critique on our document.

Please also submit your assignment on Canvas.

When critiquing, these are the questions we should consider:
  • What insights on web design history can we learn from these three sketches?
  • How do the three time sketches compare — visually, with language, with user interface elements?
  • What kinds of details communicate the changes in technology? What about cultural changes?
  • How is the idea being communicated between all three sketches? Does it feel like they are part of the same narrative?
  • What is the overarching design language about? What is the inspiration/research behind it and how does it support your content?
  • How does the layout and navigation support your goals for viewing the collection?

  1. Emily G (1R: Trin, 2R: Louise, N: Ella)
  1. Trin (1R: Louise, 2R: Ella, N: Seung)
  1. Louise (1R: Ella, 2R: Seung, N: Brian)
  1. Ella (1R: Seung, 2R: Brian, N: Dani)
  1. Seung (1R: Brian, 2R: Dani, N: Ritu)
  1. Brian (1R: Dani, 2R: Ritu, N: Greta)
  1. Dani (1R: Ritu, 2R: Greta, N: Leia)
  1. Ritu (1R: Greta, 2R: Leia, N: Emily P)
  1. Greta (1R: Leia, 2R: Emily P, N: Emily G)
  1. Leia (1R: Emily P, 2R: Emily G, N: Trin)
  1. Emily P (1R: Emily G, 2R: Trin, N: Louise)


  • Emily G

  • Digital Magazine of street style
  • 1998: Bold, big letters - Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 
  • The colors of red & black grunge vibe of 90’s 
  • Silver & metallic background: makeup trend
  • 2006: Bot magazines, Tiger Beat Magazine, a lot of color & text, nostalgia
  • 2022: Clean & neat look, pink highlights to spice it up, cow-print typography: 2020 Y2K outfit
  • Cyberpunk vibe


  • Capture the essence of the times