Design 2B – Reading 2
Conversation 1: Art.Yale.Edu from the Yale Reader
Please write your name followed by a question about the reading. All questions must be unique.

Luiza- Is functionality being held below or above aesthetics? Is the goal to find a happy medium? 

Pauline- Is there a way that the site could be more reflective of other visual arts departments while still maintaining its dynamic nature?

Jennifer- What problems might this site encounter in the upcoming years with more technological advancements underway? 

Wendy- Is there any criteria for the anti-establishment aesthetic? Does it consider only uniqueness?

How can a website like the Yale website encourage communication between other people?

Walley-Does the site fail to represent the art institution as a whole? It only factors designers and showcases design work, but can the site be renovated to showcase several majors and departments? Suppose the site was renovated as a portfolio site for Yale art that composed works done by a variety of students in a variety of departments; how would that affect the nature of the site? 

Derek - When critiquing a website, what other aspects are judged besides readability?

Kyle - Did the students consider a grade in mind when re-managing the site? Only because in some ways the site was seen as unsuccessful from a non-artist perspective. Is that the goal?

Ed- If Yale’s site is intended to be used and viewed by its students, how many outside viewers are there? The statistic of 5 million in 2007 was given. Was it 5 million different users or views? How many were not from students at Yale and what is that number like today?