🌷 Critique 3– Elastic Collections


Please welcome guest critic Elizabeth Goodspeed!


I’m dividing the class into 2 groups of 8. You’re only required to stay in the Zoom for the all class intro and then during your group’s presentations, but you’re welcome to stay for both groups if you’d like. Please link your project below where it says “url” underneath your name.  
You’ll notice that each person has been assigned a first responder (1R), and notetaker (N). The first responder (1R) will kick off our discussion as soon as the presenter has finished sharing their work. The notetaker will listen carefully and document the highlights of the critique on our document.

Please also submit your assignment on Canvas.

When critiquing, these are the questions we should consider:
  • What is your collection about? Does the website provide information about this collection and contextualize it?
  • What is the overarching design language about? What is the inspiration/research behind it and how does it support your content?
  • How does the layout and navigation support your goals for viewing the collection?

Group 1: 9:00 AM EST

Lara, Whitley, Luna, Gia, Tingyue, Yuk Hei, Yuka, Kristy

Group 2: 10:18 AM EST

Michelle N., Jillian, Kashish, Chichi, Isabella, Lou, Julia, Michelle K.

Group 1 Notes

Lara (N: Whitley, 1R: Luna)

  • Color, scale, and typography can be pushed a little more if audience is children
  • It was really pushed from how I (Whitley) thought about the collection
  • Having subcategories might help
  • If someone doesn’t know what a certain category is, the category tells you what it is
  • Different outlines to exaggerate the differences

Whitley (N: Luna, 1R: Gia)

  • Whitley did a good job playing around with the use of color and animation
  • Maybe the 8-ball association is not as clear
  • Is there a way to pull in more content or have it be incorporated in the web’s layout 
  • Hierarchy of information could be pushed further (through scale/alignment)

 Luna (N: Gia, 1R: Tingyue)

  • deck of cards concept
  • heavenly concept displayed through visual elements (scripts, glow)
  • looks like tarot cards
  • intentional and effective
  • competition in typographic hiearchy