📝 Core 1 Interaction Week 12 — JavaScript Review and JavaScript Objects

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💻 JavaScript Review “Pop Quiz”

We’re going to start today with a “pop quiz.” It’s a “pop quiz” in the sense that it’s a surprise and there are test questions, however, you will work with a group to solve the problems, and you won’t be penalized for not figuring it out in the time span. The goal is to refresh our memories, piece together information, and work together to strengthen our understanding of code. You will receive points for participating and completing the prompts.

To complete the activity, upload and submit your URL on this document. One URL per group is fine.


  1. Abby, Veronica, Drithi, Hiya
  1. Francine, Emma, Yue
  1. Sara, Rose, Lydia
  1. Chelsea, Samyuthka, Laura, Kirti

Prompt 1

Create a typographic-driven website that displays the current date and time.

  1. Create a variable for the current date.
  1. Console log that variable to make sure it’s working and to preview how it will get displayed.
  1. Create a variable for where you would like to display the date on the HTML document. (body? container?)
  1. Create a function called “displayDate” that:
  1. Establishes a variable called “dateDiv” that creates a div element on the document
  1. Appends the “dateDiv” as a child to the container of your document
  1. Adds a class to your dateDiv
  1. Sets the “innerHTML” of “dateDiv” to be the variable for your date.
  1. Call up the function
  1. Edit the CSS of your page and type. Consider the typography. Let’s try to have a huge range of typographic options between the class!

Prompt 1 Submission