🖐Get in touch with Zhenghui or Chelsea if you’re interested in writing content, organizing a workshop, helping with an event…
We try and write one post for the blog per week.
We have a weekly content scrum on Friday afternoon at 3:00 PM to review potential items for the backlog and touch base on progress for the next posts.
Posts don’t need to be long; 5 paragraphs on a specific topic is enough.
Design - Draw a wireframe - 1. Read and understand the requirement(业务到功能到设计); 2. Analyze pain point and competitive products; 3. Persona and user story(doodle - from start to end); 4. Draw the wireframe on paper; 5. Create wireframe in Figma(unify and be efficient use component as soon as possible,); 6. differentiate the happy path and error case(what else? check every step/暴力测试 to make sure include every error case);
Design - Designing for Mini Programs 微信生态 - Landing - 全触点设计(share, 广告,everything users see) - 熟悉生态内流程和限制(interaction, UI 尺寸显示,widget 不能customize) -
CRM Strategy - sCRM background and evolved from tradition CRM
CRM Strategy - sCRM objectives, function structure
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