Commissioning status: 2019/9/17
Interferometer locking
Trying to lock PRFPMI
So far, TR-CARM + RF-DARM with 3f for PRCL and MICH up to 50Hz CARM offset
Filter shape adjustment for hand over of TR-CARM to RF-CARM on going
Beam clipping at IFI ?
IMC spot position on MCo does not look good
ALS noise
Why the fiber noise cancellation performance cannot be better ?
Fringe from non-perfect AR ?
Modified the optical layout of REFL and AS to accommodate PZT mirrors for the QPD centering servo.
Noticed beam clipping at the REFL port.
It seems to be happening in IFI
Basic damping
Implemented on all the suspensions
Type-B/Bp filters may introduce too much noise during the observation
Need to implement narrow band low noise damping filters
Kill individual resonances
Mostly done for all the Type-A
Remaining problems in ETMX, ITMY
Filters need to be readjusted as the payload temperature changes
Need to be implemented on Type-B/Bp
Probably we need to fight against new resonances when we start ASC feedback
Actuator diagonalization
Done for all the cryo-payloads
this correct ?)
Some L2A decoupling was done for BS before, but may not work properly now.
We need to revisit L2A for Type-B/Bp
Sensor correction
Implemented on ITMY, ETMY and ETMX for IP and BF
ITMX is IP only
Work on going to implement this on Type-B IP
If necessary we can implement it for Type-Bp BF
Calm down mode
Implemented for all the Type-A, but only ETMY is working.
Need to tune the filters for the other Type-A
Once the Type-B suspensions have low-noise damping filters, we probably want to implement a calm down state for them
but powerful damping)
Mirror alignment jigs arrived
We will test them on Sept. 24 and 25 when Somiya-san comes and remove the OMC from the suspension.
Design work on other modifications is ongoing
70% done)
Test of M2052 for damping the OMC breadboard is ongoing in Mitaka by Takahashi-san
The plan is to ask LMA to make 3-inch low-loss PBS
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Interferometer locking