Christchurch Manifesto Show


Welcome viewer. Today we will be examining the manifesto by Brenton Tarrant, the ideological terrorist behind the Christchurch Massacre.

Why? We are only seeing a quarantine of this memetic virus, and no treatments, vaccinations, or immunity. This is not sufficient in our opinion to solve the issues this demographic are radicalising for.

We want to present arguments and an evaluation, so one doesn’t need to throw their life away to a losing, as there may be better ways to go about solving this tribulations.

Now if you are in New Zealand, please refrain from watching this, as while we won’t be sharing the manifesto, we are unsure the local legality of discussions surrounding the manifesto., 

Who are we?

Ben — Australian, and founder of Bevry
John — American, screenwriter of the Anti-Natalist

Together we are part of Bevry, an open community to transform isolated and competitive wisdom into collaborative wisdom, through weekly discussions like this, and software projects to facilitate them.


  • Character of Brenton
  • Summary of his manifesto
  • Terminology he uses
  • Are his fears real?
  • What was his goal? Has he achieved it?
  • Which alternative solutions are suitable and unsuitable to address his fears?
  • Where to go from here

Let us know your comments and feedback, we are a collaborative effort, and keen from you.

What is our personal goals and relationship?

For the first time we’ve found, provide a critical analysis, so that it can actually wrestled with seriously and earnestly. (for the people susceptible to these ideas)

That is a quarantine of a memetic virus, not a vaccination or treatment or exposure immunity.

You don’t want to throw away your life for a false or loosing cause, there may be better ways of addressing the concerns without defeat.


What was the character development arc for him?

  • white community in nature, personal trainer, early crypto investor, use to be a leftist, traveller throughout Europe (I couldn’t find anything reliable on him travelling outside of Europe, say to Asia), during his travels came across many assimilation issues and local proximity to a few foreigner attacks, contrasted this with the history of europe, wondered why no one was doing anything, felt the apathy and decline was a flaw of democracy (fascism vs democracy), felt he needed to act

cultural rape

  • No, when I was young I was a communist, then an anarchist and finally a libertarian before coming to be an eco-fascist.
  • Those around my were the typical Australians, apathetic and for the most part apolitical, only truly showing motivation in matters of animal rights, environmentalism and taxation.