Cc now has a universal undo button… and it is glorious! 

Alexander Pope said “To err is human but to forgive is divine”. That maxim applies to every aspect of life, and lesson planning is no exception. Everyone knows how frustrating it can be to err while planning, so wouldn’t it be divine if your lesson planner was as forgiving as possible? 

Well, with Common Curriculum 4.0 we’ve built a lesson planner that does just that: we’ve added a universal undo button that let’s you take back any action that you’ve made in the app! As someone who loves tinkering with his long-range plans, I have been waiting a long time for this, and can't be more excited to tell you about it. 

How the new undo button works 

The moment that you log into Cc and navigate to your planbook, the undo button begins keeping a list of every action you’ve taken that session.

If you do something you don’t like, just click “Undo” at the top right of the screen and you’ll see a description of the last action you’ve taken. Click it and Cc will undo that action: 

Undo multiple actions in a row! 

Since the undo button has been keeping track of everything you’ve done this session, you can undo multiple actions in a row. Moreover, if you undo a few actions, then do something new, you can still undo that new change and then continue to undo any of the old actions you took before you made that change: 

Undoing text: When to use the undo button and when to use the text toolbar

An important note: the universal undo button will not track every, little change you’ve made to the text of a card. It will only let you undo everything you did in between putting your cursor in a card and clicking outside of that card.

  • When this teacher clicked undo, the card reverted back to the words “scholars will be able to” because those words were already there when they put their cursor in the card. 

If you want to undo smaller text changes, then just use the mini undo and redo buttons in the rich text bar: 

  • Want to undo just a few words and not every change you’ve made since putting your cursor in a card? That’s what the rich text tool bar is for! 

Forgiving, indeed! 

Learn more

At this point, you may ask yourself “what can’t the undo button do”? The undo button can only undo actions you’ve taken this session. Every time you close Cc’s browser tab or navigate to a new website in the same tab, you’re telling the undo button “hey forget the actions I’ve taken before… this is a new session.” 

Want to learn more about everything the undo button can do? Read our knowledge base article about it and become an undo master.