Click or touch and hold to look around. Tap the arrows to explore.
Google map
Click or touch Directions, then add your location to get a route by walking, cycling, public transport, or driving.“View larger map” will give you the full range of options for using Google maps. More here about using Google maps.
City visitor trails
When you have finished at the Fair, consider taking one of the self-guided walks developed by the City. Here’s a map of the main trails - click the square to expand or go here.
Click on the square to expand the map or go here. If you select one of the other locations, and then View in Google maps on the pop-up, the sidebar in the new map gives you the option to get directions. List of Bartholomew Fair locations.
View on TheCityofLdn site
Google map
City visitor trails
More here about walks, trails and tours.
Other Bartholomew Fair locations