CI: Lab, Week 2 – Webring
  • A webring (or web ring) is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, and usually organized around a specific theme, often educational or social.[1] They were popular in the 1990s and early 2000s, particularly among amateur websites.

Webrings were part of an earlier internet, where the act of linking together websites was more difficult. Google didn’t exist, social media platforms didn’t exist, and users had to rely on each other to support and discover content. We’ll create our own webring that links each student’s website to every other student’s website, making it easy to browse between each other’s work, and reinforce our class structure.


  • Reinforce group dynamic of class in an online environment
  • Practice your HTML/CSS skills
  • Practice uploading and customizing content on your GitHub homepage


Add a series of links to each of your classmate’s GitHub home pages, using the list of students on our class website. Make sure to use the links, so that they link directly to the GitHub Pages site. For example: <a href="">Whitley Darby</a>

Use semantic HTML to structure the list of your webring links, and CSS to style the way the webring looks. You may want to put the webring in either the top or bottom of the page so that it is easily accessible.

If someone’s GitHub homepage isn’t working yet – that’s OK. Add the link to your webring according to what is listed on our student page and we’ll update later if necessary.