BLOG: Creating New Value Through CX Business Models
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Quotes & Supporting Content:

Punchy and provocative

2 sentences explaining the point.

140 characters explaining the point.

Type of content (White Paper, Article, Blog, Podcast, Webinar)

Keyword tags for the content (3 consistent, 3 content focused)
brand growth, strategy, technology, cx, consumer experience, business models


The one sentence that will encompass everything

3 sentences to set up the topic
When planning for strategic growth, companies are faced with an obvious challenge - are we providing the right value for our consumers in the marketplace? The answer most of the time is really a non-answer - that we have a product or service that we advertise in order to drive revenue and profits. This mindset is rooted in the paralysis of “we’ve always done it this way.”

However, consumers and industries are quickly waking up to the economic reality that value propositions are shifting as is revenue along with those preferences and decisions - rendering the growth playbook of advertising alone ineffective or useful. 

The shifting consumer expectations and value propositions are driven primarily through the business model within the consumer experience. Growth leaders and disruptors are identifying and deploying new strategies that continuously enhance the symbiotic value exchange between brand and consumer. They are not, however, creating new products and services, but looking at serving their consumers in a new way. 

Statistic / Challenge: 
Big statistic or quote to set up the challenge, with up to 4 sentences to support.
‘Standing on the shoulders of giants’ looks at what it means that 4bn people have a smartphone; we connected everyone, and now we wonder what the Next Big Thing is, but meanwhile, connecting everyone means we connected all the problems.
Benedict Evans

3-5 bullet points outlining the solution.

Benedict Evans, a startup and industry analyst recently published a presentation, Tech in 2020: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants, where he discusses how technology is driving business and consumer behavior. He provides a great overview on how things are evolving and the economic viewpoint of what is next. 

The way that these growth companies are finding and creating growth in their business model is looking at their value proposition in 4 new ways: 

  • Unbundling
  • Bundling