The solo is intriguing, feels very fulfilling, it's engaging.
This is a really cool, clever, small box game. it’s got a good amount of replayability.
Who’s Big Easy Busking good for? People who want a nice strategic, pretty meaty game in a small box that plays in under an hour; and if you’re looking for a game that is approachable, has a unique theme, kind of the way that Wingspan is approachable and has a unique theme, this is a good fit as well.
“Big Easy Busking is a nice strategic, pretty meaty game in a small box that plays in under an hour. It is approachable, has a unique theme, and a good amount of replayability. “ -
The AI engine is everything you could want: easy to follow/remember, quick to execute, fluid, and challenging to beat.
It's easy to get caught up in the beautiful cards and theme, but the strategic area influence gameplay is what I appreciate the most.
Big Easy Busking is yet another title from Weird Giraffe Games where solo players get the same or possibly better, experience than the multiplayer.
“I really enjoyed playing Big Easy Busking. It transports you to the bustling Bourbon Street, with all its colour and wonderment. It is challenging, thought-provoking and most of all, a lot of fun!” - Derek, GoTo.Game,
Geek Girl Project:
Big Easy Busking is a game that can easily be taught, quick to learn, and took me completely by
"Big Easy Busking has a leisurely, musical flow that runs through both the mechanical elements and the artwork. It's a simple, friendly area control game that will suit a wide range of players.”
Big Easy Busking has a very strong, unique theme that ties in exceptionally well with the energy and crowd pleasing mechanics that form the heart of the experience.
Geek Dad:
Meeple Overboard solo video:
Jambalaya Plays
Geek Girl Project:
Big Boss Battle