B&D - Ballpark

Key Objectives: 

  • Redesign their app that controls the customers garage doors and fences.

$26,910 - 3 developers full time (Android, iOS, Backend)
$8970 - Project Management & QA
$218 - 1 hour of design time per month
$862 - 3 hours of consulting 
Total per month: $36,960

Pricing for Android Only
$17,940- 2 developers full time (Android, Backend)
$8970 - Project Management & QA
$218 - 1 hour of design time per month
$862 - 3 hours of consulting
Total per month: $27,990

31st march release

Month 1/2 - B&D SDK Setup, Connection Management, Add Device
Month 3/4 - Control, Device/Hub Settings
Month 5 - Push Notification, Camera
Month 6 - Settings, Devices
Month 7/8 (Optional) - Camera Overlay, Remote control, 3rd party integration
… and the rest in Backlog

You can launch anytime, as long as you are happy with the features… and so is Apple and Google.

Estimated pricing for MVP  
6*$36,960(6-month MVP) + 18,480 (Testing + Launch) = $240,240

Estimated pricing for MVP  + Optional Months
8*$36,960(8-month MVP) + 18,480 (Testing + Launch) = $314,160

Estimated pricing for MVP Android Only
6*$27,990 (6-month MVP) + 13,995 (Testing + Launch) = $181,935

Note: Timeline might change depending on the final design. 
Assumption: B&D SDK is complete and ready for integration.

Month 1- B&D SDK Setup, Connection Management, Add Device

  • SDK Setup & Integration
  • Connection management (login/logout, remove account)
  • Control device (device status animation, basic controls)