
thank you for coming we contact you I'm not UK and Suzuki at this room is moderator


the worst thing is how I started the elastic community and it became my job and by John Mayer and Kim

最悪の事は私が弾力的なコミュニティを始めたきっかけであり、それが私の仕事となり、John MayerとKim

round Beach Hotel Europa for 7 years and now abundance in rostov in statie and 2000

7年前のラウンドでBeach Hotel Europaをご利用ください。

studied their assets of community before he joined a stick and it grew up over 4000 members


if you are crazy creating a localizer technical content and writing blog posts and articles and running meetups and pacifica take the cover and the community with their properties welcome to Jamil hello does microphone sounds ok


namaste what ocean am I


this is almost the word I know in Japanese I'll speak in English


my name is John Wayne in the last name is Kim I'm from South Korea


and thank you for inviting me this great event together


where is the my title I'm working company elastic if anyone knows about elastic or elasticsearch
