Artists Beware: ToasterKiwi
WHAT: Digital art piece — x1 custom adopt worth 200 USD.
WHEN: October 2017 — present (May 2018)
EXPLAIN: I ordered a custom character commission from ToasterKiwi's auction back in October 2017. I didn't receive a WIP until December 2017 and no further visual updates since then. Meanwhile, the artist has output tons of artwork and merchandise for conventions and shop orders and is plenty active on Twitter throughout this duration, yet has no progress update for me about the order. The last communication I had was in March 2018 where she claims to still be working on the order, but provides zero visual updates.
I am Tythius on DeviantArt. (I have a Gyazo Pro account so all screenshots saved there are permanent.)
General timeline of notes from the artist, sorted in the DA search function which removes any indicator of read or unread status. (Proof 0.)
18 October 2017: Purchased a custom adopt commission from an auction for 200 USD. Paid, artist confirms commission, and details are exchanged. (Proof 1. Proof 2. Proof 3. Proof 4. Proof 5. Proof 6.)
No further communication from artist until December 2017.
6 December 2017: Artist provides a rough sketch of the design plan. I request some changes and the artist agrees. (Proof 7. Proof 8.)
No further communication from artist until March 2018.
17 March 2018: After not hearing from the artist for roughly three months now, I request an update. The artist responds and claims she is still working on it, but shows no visual WIP. (Proof 9.)
No further communication from artist since. Posts an adoptable on 1 May 2018.
21 May 2018: The artist is incredibly active on Twitter throughout this duration from March to May, responding to tweets, tweeting, retweeting, producing and sending out merchandise, etc. I send a note on 21 May 2018 requesting an update with a visual WIP. Unread. (Proof 10. Proof 11.)
After 21 May 2018: The artist tweets very often on Twitter and continues to be extremely active there. No response on DeviantArt. I've sent a Twitter DM on 25 May 2018 and it has yet to be read/responded to despite the artist logging on and retweeting something on the 26th. (Proof 12. Proof 13. Proof 14.)
Examples of very frequent Twitter activity including more adoptables on 1 May 2018: (Ex. 1, Ex. 2, Ex. 3) Please check the Twitter account for many more posts during the 7-month period of minimal communication with me. Also took Valentine's Day commissions and finished those: Ex. 4. In short, very, very high levels of activity and art without a single update on my commission that didn't have to be initiated by me.
The other custom adopt that was purchased from the same auction was finished within two months. I am still waiting on mine with extremely poor and irresponsible communication from this artist and I am so incredibly disappointed with her. She is clearly very active on the internet and extremely active attending cons and yet she can't be bothered notifying me of delays or progress when the wait has now hit 7 months. Even a simple acknowledgement of my messages anywhere would have been acceptable. This is insulting for someone of her caliber and popularity and overwhelmingly unprofessional considering the amount of money at stake. Outrageous.